
American Employees Are Quitting Jobs That Don’t Offer Better Wages And Benefits

According to a report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans are quitting their jobs in record numbers. 

On Friday, the labor bureau revealed that 4.4 million people walked away from their employers in September, increasing 3%.

Although the workforce report included all aspects of labor and jobs in the nation, the study disclosed that “

quits increased in several industries with the largest increases in arts, entertainment, and recreation; other services; and state and local government education. Quits decreased in wholesale trade. The number of quits increased in the West region.”

The Washington Post reported

that employees are abandoning jobs for many reasons, including COVID-19 related changes like lack of child care and safety worries. Many are also quitting in search of better wages and benefits. Stimulus checks and extended unemployment benefits allowed employees to create a nest egg– making it easier to chuck the deuces to undesirable positions. 

“There are likely some delta-induced quits here,” said Daniel Zhao, an economist at Glassdoor, told WaPo. “Workers are fed up with working conditions and feel unsafe and quitting even though they might not immediately jump into a new job.”

The bureau also concluded that with desperate employers raising wages, workers are also holding out for money.

Even seasonal jobs are taking a hit.

Labor force experts attribute the shakeup to potential employees demanding what they expect in terms of working for companies. Wages are no longer a single determining factor whether or not employees accept positions. 

With the job market shifting in favor of employees, it’s time employers examine if their company is worth working for and make the necessary changes. 

Keka Araujo

The Editorial Director of Sister 2 Sister and News Onyx with a penchant for luxe goods and an expert salsera. Always down to provide a dope take on culture, fashion, travel, beauty, entertainment, celebrities, education, crime, and social issues with an emphasis on the African diaspora. My work can be seen on Blavity, Huffington Post, My Brown Baby, The Root, Very Smart Brothas, The Glow Up and other publications. Featured panelist on NBC, The Grapevine, various podcasts, Blavity, Madame Noire, Latina Magazine and MiTu.

Published by
Keka Araujo